Tuesday, August 27, 2013

bers eye

Agin fast food workers are looking to strike. For higher pay. Wondering is this beuase they cant ship 300 a month to mexico or is it because they need it to live or both. I mean tyheywant 15 dollors an hour. This american vetran makes mabey 15 dollors a day. And I cant get a job fliping burgers at McDonalds because at least in DC they dont hire Americans. And these peoploe want 100 dollors a day.?...
Lets not march on washington Lets march on Congress said DC mayor Vince Grey. As he continues to struggle for DC statehood. …
Hosani Mubarrak for the first time since his release from prision to house arrest appeard in Cairo Court to face allegations of killing protesters. Muslem brotherhood leaders were also on the dok in seprate instnce of same charges related to the killing of 900 outside muslem brotherhood HQ...
there is very little doubt chemical weapons were used aginst civilians in syria. Said a source however the white house will today ignore that and instead give the medal of honor to Ssgt. Ty Carter for bravery in a daylong fire fight in faghanastan....
russian President valdamir Putin has signed a decree banningn Protests diuring the Winter olympics. Of 2014...
now with school back in after sandy Hook Obama could not strip us of our second amendment rights so hes putting more guns in the guise of ill equipt security guards into schools...... Wow just checked out Mily Twerkin at VMA im to old to have those thoughts......

Monday, August 26, 2013

bears babblings

Well another three day holiday. Witch means no work for the wicked I think I got that one right... Saturday a promoter at a club was sin the process of helping get a woman’s party going. When her client came upto her and said her purse was missing. “And no one is helping me find it” The promoter droped what she was doing and began helping the lady find her purse. Looking everywhere behind speakers and curtins. Behind couches etc. .. telling bar backs and bartenders Be on the look out” all the while the pastier was following her around saying its not getting found. Its not there ' nag nag nag this promoter got my sympathy...to true to believe was setting having coffee sat night A drunk walkedout into the street a car com along too fast hitting her knocking her into the air over the top and roling on the concrete. People rushed to help the lady. When she stood up said I’m okay and staggered on her way with a crowd of people following her. … Around the nation scholl is about to begin again all those sore throats and missed buses bringing back memories of my misguided and ill spent youth.... Washington DC George Washington university you couldn’t tell class was in because the liquor store at 20th and I streets is doing landmark business with the collage students and need I mention the herb dealer across the street from TGI Fridays also for a high note the only 24 hour Starbucks in dc is located at 24th and H streets NW. don’t bother trying to get a “Quick” cup of coffee or find a place to set. You wont. The kids all glue them selves to seats and the staff take for ever to get an order...Urgent UN inspectors in Syria were made to turn around by sniper fire while they were on route to investigate Allegations of Asad using chemical weapons aginst civillians....People on the Hill are biting at the bit to get US armed forces into the mix... the free Syrian Army has asked that NATO stay out of it...Onward with the Bradly/ Chelsea Manning issue You recall he /she is the wikkileaks whistle blower who just received a thirty-five years sentence and then said he wanted to be refferred to as Chelsea. A good friend of mine Marina a transgendered individual said I was insulting them. My apologies I was because of the timing and personal experience having a hard time figuring why he/she wanted to announce he /she was ready for gender reassignment as when she was headed to a prison. I would not want to be known as even a gay
that environment. However if I offended any one my apologies....heard about occupy internationl somewhere in Missouri. I didn’t even know it was still going on... feds announced they had busted “The leadership” of the leaderless Hackivist group Anonymous , about four hours after that Anonymous responded by releasing FBI files into the public domain....Setting around in our nations capitol wondering what this day will bring wishing you all the happiness and joy. And remember when you walk by ahomless person this person may not always be a drunk it may be an informant for the washington word warrior wathing the government watching you....

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bear babblings

an enterprising pedicab operator was giving free water to passangers....really folks when in Washington D.C. You must try a local (as far as I know) delacacy called a halfsmoke. Any hot dog vendor can set you up...Then there is the great breakfast treat. Called scrapple. Its aNew England favorite. Hard to find but when you do please order it . Warning you must like liver. Most people mix the Scraple with homefries and fried or scrambled eggs. Some eat it as a sandwich. Either way it is geat.....Columbia South Carolina has passed a mesure allowing the cops to pick up the homeless and indefinantly detain them in camps....If yuou would like to have your buissness mentioned here please contact me the rate is your bussnees name adress location and phone number 2 dollors a mention . There is a place on I street at 20th where a sign at the door says “No WiFi please shut off your laptops and meet with your neghbours.” I thought it was cute enough to mention Now if they would do something about those loudmouths with cell phones.....Agin Syrian President Asad is accused of using toxic gas on civilisn population. ...Masacerres continue in Egypt as the muslem Brotherhood protest the Army deposin their president. …Accordig to Officials in vermont 120 yards of goat manure spontanously combusted . The manure belonged to Oak Knoll dairy of Windsor Vt. .
The owner was one skeptical of spontanious combustion says “ now im a beliver......a big shout out to Amy who bought the washing ton word warrior brunch at the shops in DC....I was down on the mall In the shadow of linclon. Next tyo the memorial we were there in 1963 to stop the war in veitnam. Dr king is the most recalled speaker hat day. And if a man with a gun hadnt gottn lucky in memphis he would just be another prtestent preacher pounding on a pulpit today.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

There are the usual drunks on Friday and Saturday nights acting well like drunks stumbling all over the place, getting up putting boobs back into to tight tops Then stumbling again< laughing wehile doing it. ... Man I tell you , it was so hot in Washington DC. How hot?You ask? So hot that I saw a group of collage students, Amie, Joyce, Stan frying an egg on the sidewalk at K and 18th... witch makes me glad that Old man Winter is on his way it will not be long before the dreaded hypothermia season begins. .. I ask you readers dig into your closet pull out the old coats and clothes,,, Please donate them to the homeless...Washington D.C. Is getting ready for the fiftieth anniversary of the 1963 march on Washington where Rev Dr Martin L. King gave his famous” I have a Dream” Speach at the Linclon Memorial. ... the national park service wants to advise you not to bring glass or alcohol into the mall area other wise enjoy yourselves... The Lincoln memorial has been repaired since the vandal threw green paint on the monument...Speaking of monuments did you know there is no law in Washington D.C. against a woman going topless any where a man can.... Please book mark this Blog and check Back frequently...Setting having morning coffee. Up by the Collage. one woman likes to set in the park by the World Bank wearing a short dress. With her long legs open showing the Bermuda triangle... the only problem I have here is there is a hotel nearby with families ....Happy Birthday Cherry...From The Washington Word warrior.

bears blabing

There are the usual drunks on Friday and Saturday nights acting well like drunks stumbling all over the place, getting up putting boobs back into to tight tops Then stumbling again< laughing wehile doing it. ... Man I tell you , it was so hot in Washington DC. How hot?You ask? So hot that I saw a group of collage students, Amie, Joyce, Stan frying an egg on the sidewalk at K and 18th... witch makes me glad that Old man Winter is on his way it will not be long before the dreaded hypothermia season begins. .. I ask you readers dig into your closet pull out the old coats and clothes,,, Please donate them to the homeless...Washington D.C. Is getting ready for the fiftieth anniversary of the 1963 march on Washington where Rev Dr Martin L. King gave his famous” I have a Dream” Speach at the Linclon Memorial. ... the national park service wants to advise you not to bring glass or alcohol into the mall area other wise enjoy yourselves... The Lincoln memorial has been repaired since the vandal threw green paint on the monument...Speaking of monuments did you know there is no law in Washington D.C. against a woman going topless any where a man can.... Please book mark this Blog and check Back frequently...Setting having morning coffee. Up by the Collage. one woman likes to set in the park by the World Bank wearing a short dress. With her long legs open showing the Bermuda triangle... the only problem I have here is there is a hotel nearby with families ....Happy Birthday Cherry...From The Washington Word warrior.

Friday, August 23, 2013

bears blabbing

Fall is almost here you folks noticed the first leaves turning for fall colors?...Hemlines on skirts getting shorter women usually wearing a pair of shorts showing long tourist legs as they walk through the Smithsonian Institution gawking And flashing those cell phone camera right in your eyes? usualy.... There is the pedicab operator who is always looking at the passengers As he peddles through traffic missing oncoming cars by centimeters...... The White House now has a new addition to the first family named Sunny....Mom running down Pensylvania Avenue with her child in a stroller. Dressed in the latest running outfit shaking her tiny skirt and boobs.. barely watching where she is going with her nose in the air pretending to ignore admiring stares... Got my attention finaly when a car horn went off . she was close to getting the kid hit. Moral watch where you are going... Pfc Bradly Manning just got sentenced to thirty five years in Ft Leavenworth .. You recall he is the Wiki-leaks Whistle blower.. Manning came out after his trial at FT.Mead saying, he wants to be a she. and is gay... I also understand there is a person waiting to make sure Chelsa Manning is safe for the next few years in Leavenworth penitentiary... Hosani Mubarak walked out of prison under house arresst and no body noticed. the protesters whonousted him were to busy ousting t one who replaced him... Frankies Pizza on vermont Ave, here in dc has humoungous slices of pizza for a very reasonable price..... a hearty Thanks to a couple ladies who really helped yours truly Amy Thanks for as great lunch in the rain... and Rhonda thanks for the Coffee.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


  columbia south carolina  has outlawed the homeless.  saying they are going to put them in camps. and make them stay there becuase the City will pay extra police to patrol. for escapees.
  shades of Nazi Germany.
  we find this outragous many of the homeless are vetrans of foregin wars. who served this land.
 many are in need of psyciatric help and many are just poor unable to find work.
  so the rich merchants of Columbia are making it impossable for the homless to live.
 the city is setting up a special hotline for the merchants to report the homless if they appear in down town.
  this is unconstitutonal.  it would not go unnoticed if it was a class of people say blacks Latinos. or gays.
 now Americans are being targeted by Americans.  and i ask Americans to stand up. now
  Anonymouse  jas said they are about to launch #opColumbia. We are leagion. We do not forget. We do not forgive.  Expect us.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Op vendetta

What we Americans need to do. I think. Leading up to November Fith when Anonyomouse called for Operation vendetta engagement . Is alead up.

People protesting the banks. Come join us october 6 for the fall meeting of the world bank. Bring your tents and food. Prepaere to lay seige to the federal reserve and the world bank. As well as other instatutions around washington.

Or are we americans rady to just bend over and take a rod up our postirior?

For too long now the corporations have told the people what they can and canot do in this land of the Supposadly free.

Now we need to take back the promises our fore fsthers gave us in that sacred document czlled the constitution of the United states of america. Yes the USA not the corporate states of america.

Our time is now.

Are you ready

I doubt it. But then I have been supprised at least once in my life

Saturday, July 20, 2013


I first met Hellen Thomas in Laffyette  park on the north side of the White house in the late 80s. as i recall  Hellen was setting talking to a protester about what to do to get rid of nuclear weapons.  she sat listening to him for about an hour. then stood up . wiping the con rete dust from her backside, said” I have to go. “
  they talked agin occassionaly.
I was freaquantly in and out of Dc. usualy  around Laffyette park.
  I would occasionaly see Hellen out on 17th around Pensylvania ave. on nice days. i knew she was having a bad day if she didn’t stop to  say hi.
i always wanted to write. i would try novels and about my life.
then about 12 years ago helen and i were talking at a coffee shop I think on H street.  i said”  I wish i could find some one to publish my writing. but I;m Just a bum. “

She looked at me . "No your not" she would say.
  then asked "Have you Blogged?
No. never really thought about it” i told her.

she gave me a couple URLS. and  soon i was posting
and belive it My first post was about Hellen Thomas.
  RIP Hellen This bum will miss your wit and advice.

Friday, July 19, 2013

injustice for one is injustice for all.

I usually don't ask anyone to do anything and as most of you know I hate to be told what to do.

However in this case maybe you could re-consider passing this along//dale


You probably won't recognize me or even know my name. My name was Antonio Santiago.

I was the 13-month old baby who was shot in the face at point blank range by two Black teens who were attempting to rob my mom who also got shot. A Grand Jury of my mommy and daddy's peers from Brunswick GA determined the teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty because they were too young... too bad, I was given a death sentence by them for being too young, White, innocent, defenseless and in the 'wrong' neighborhood where I lived.
My mommy and daddy made the mistake of being White and living in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder was not ruled a Hate Crime. The Justice Department never even investigated my death, or if my rights were violated. President Obama didn't take so much as a single moment to acknowledge my murder or honor me.
I am one of the youngest murder victims in our great nation's history, but the media doesn't care to cover the story of my tragic demise. Michelle wasn't heartbroken. President Obama has no children who could possibly look like me, so he doesn't care and the media didn't care because my story is not interesting enough to bring them ratings so they can sell commercial time slots.
There is not a White equivalent of Al Sharpton because if there was he would be declared racist, so there is no one rushing to Brunswick GA to demand justice for me.

There is no White Panther party to put a bounty on the lives of those Black guys who murdered me. I have no voice, I have no representation and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat innocently in my stroller - I no longer have my life.
So while you are seeking justice, rioting and demonstrating for Treyvon Martin, please remember to seek justice for me too. Tell your friends about me, tell you families, get tee-shirts with my face on them and make the world pay attention, just like you're doing for Treyvon Martin.
Thank you

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A crush of homeless overwhelming Ariz. shelter

A crush of homeless overwhelming Ariz. shelter

Should have expected us!!!!

Greetings world. We are anonymous. We are the people.

Governments of the world: take this message as your last will and testament. The game is officially over. Social media has given birth to something new. Now it's time to set the record straight. This video is intended as that spark that gets delivered straight into the hearts and minds of the world. This video is an idea – a shared idea – so listen very carefully and make sure you are sitting down.

On the 5th of November 2013, Anonymous call for a day of global civil disobedience. This time we target all government facilities across the globe. Calling all free thinkers: the time for civil disobedience is now. This time it also seems unions from around the world are supporting this action. The lion sleeps no more. Ask yourself this: where will you be when we make history? November 5th, 2013. Worldwide. Now it's a vendetta. Now it's personal. Now it's time to occupy everywhere. It's time to throw everything we have at November 5th. It's time to relight the flame of protest until our demands are met. Now it's time for our brothers and sisters of the awakening to take to the streets. Austerity means war.

Here's to the dreamers, the one's that stand for human freedom, the Occupiers, the people that change things. It's about solidarity, but more than that, it's about the people, the people we meet, the people of the world standing together for a common goal. Concerned by numerous ecological and social problems, we stand united. As long as there are young and idealist people that share the views of ultimate human freedom, there will always be hope for the world.

We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. On November 5th, 2013: EXPECT US.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


good bye!

  Setting on a sidewalk in Washington DC Tony ate a large meal. And told us he couldn’t handel being homeless any more . I served in Nam. And now I’m out here. My wife is gone and my kids don’t know me.

They say I’m a drunk.

I say good bye.

Tony then stood and walked away down the sidewalk from us. Then we heard screams of pain. He had set himself on fire.

this is why we fight!

fighting for freedom from bankers tyranny.
setting on steps to stop evictions because of banks foreclosures
promises made by the
grinning trolls. of lower mortages.
but they cut off the higher and you cant pay.
then before the lower rate kicks in  they beguin eviction.

why we the people stand up to fight aginst the rich bankers of the world.
high unemployment becuase of corporate concerns of profit before people.
prefering to pay a person in another nation . who is too young to work. under our laws.
pennies a day. far below minimum wage.  to make your shoes and hoodies.  far from American shores.
causing our industry to shut down. true Americans suddenly idle.
then along comes a man a mouthpeie for insurane agencies.
now they say we must work for healthcare.
but there is no work to be had.
becuase,  suddenly if your an American you have to compete with guest workers
for even minimum wage jobs.  sweeping sidewalks . washing dishes. With collage segrees.
becuase we are told americasns dont want those jobs. that pay imagrants enough to afford our homes we used to enjoy. becuase of our hard work.
i say thats a lie becuase im american and i want that job.

that is why we rise up. protesting in the streets. 
marching in bare feet.
our demands are simple . remove big bank money from our elected officials pockets,
and make them listen to the American taxpayer who elected them.
  yes the bankers and corporations hire people to
provide our elected officals with money to vote for what big money wants.
not whats good for america.
this is why we are in the streets. marching.
  fighting the corporate security forces.
for our veary lives.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th July

Setting ontemplating cases belli. This day. When America celibrates its independence from British Monarchy. With gatheringsof good food and fireworks. I think back to more reacent times.

March 2011 when I heard the words seond amerisn revolution. And 50k followers we go.

Then sept 17 2011 Occupy began. We are now in our third year of beligrance with the corportate controlled government of the Usa.

Today they celebrate independence day.

And we continue to work for freedom from corporate slavery. Slavemasters stopping people from getting jobs to feed their children and families. Beuase we eat into their proffits.

The bankers evicting women and children from homes because they want more money.

Amerians being told Imagrants are welcome beuase they do jobs americans don't want.

Really? Im American and I would like to sweep the sidewalks. Build buildings. Send my kids to shool. And own a home.

But im told im overqualified or too old to do the job.

I say along with my American brethren this Independince day. Remember remember the fith of november I can see no reason the gunpowder treason plot should be forgot.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Texas Nationalist Movement

Texas Nationalist Movement 
 i have to say "God Bless Texas" But will natonalism work?
 i don't suppose we could hurt by giving it a try!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Official: Boston bombing suspect 'sedated' - CNN.com

Official: Boston bombing suspect 'sedated' - CNN.com

 Wow a dead Muselem And one that is Unable to comunicate" and is in isolation striped of his rights as an american dueto public safty concerns"  what is not right about this?
 I don't think what these guys did (If they did the bombings) was right or just. However they are in coustody and should have legal reopresentation no materr what!

Anonymous - Obama we can have change but not YOUR change. - YouTube

Anonymous - Obama we can have change but not YOUR change. - YouTube

Boston suspects' background threatens to derail immigration bill - latimes.com

Boston suspects' background threatens to derail immigration bill - latimes.com

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston massacerre take 2

Message to the Warriors.
Who ever is responsable for this act. will be  caught and praised.
I only ask was it patriot or foregin? either or it dont matter
:The enimy of my enimy is my freind."  oh shucks i for get.
My Freinds patriotic Americans do Not kill or attack innocent civilians.
if we do we can not say not to do that. to the banksters lackeys.
  though i wouldnt put it past the bankers to use this as apretext to arrest people who object to them taking our rights away from us.
recall 2001 when they arressted the miusalims for the WTC bobings agnst their costitutonal rights. in th name of National secuity.
oincedentaly the Worltarget. d bank in dc is having aconfrence with a lot of dignataries . Here in Dc today.
  Security has been increased.  and i hope this is  just the beginning  evenn if i cant agree with the target chosen.
  Who evre you re freind. I am an american rebble. Fighting for the constitution and american freedom from corporat and banker tyrany.  i  tell you that i despise this cowardly act.
  should you have attacked a bank. or federal building i would be singing your praises

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

go figgure.

Women go figure them.
Met a gal in the park new to town. Got to talking. sort of freindly. bought her a sandwich.
we keptt alking late inthe eve. another guy shows up got to talkin. i went to bed.
well he slept close to where i do.
they kept me up half the nigh t with them having sex. both drunk.
this morningb i woke up got my gear together. got a cup of coffee. sat down to read my morning paper.
she comes up eyes nt open "can you buy me a cup of coffee?" she asks. all nice and happy.
" I could have but you insulted me last night !" i said drinking from my cup.
How did i isult you?" she asked.
Put it this way i didnt sleep with you last night! and now im glad as you apperantly dont discriminate.
hope you used a rubber. becuase he has AIDS" i told her.
our just jelouse she said.
nope. I replied. Just think why dont you ask the N___ ou screwed.
Becuase hes broke" she said.
no hes not. i ssaid he gets paid eve?ry day. i told her. he just used you to get his rocks off. and now i wouldnt touch you with a ten foot pole. "
whys that?" sCatching AIDs from them was the odds of winning the lottery id be playing the lottery.
finished my coffee and walked away.
last nightshe was trying to get into my bed.
" I dont think so!" i said.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Guest workers are lazy! andd we americans are crazy!

Good morning having my first cup of coffee  here in our nations capitol. and the capitol city looks depopulated becuase of what they call snow nowdays.
only acouple flakes are fallnig none are sticking. however in the suburbs there is a bit more snow.
  in the suburbs where the "New Americans " or "Guest Workers" live. there fore becuase they have never seen it. are afraid of two flakes of snow. 
Therefore these people refuse to make the commute. into the city.
  This morning reminds me of the old days, back in the eighties when most of they have nev work force  was American. unhindered by the fear of snow.
really cant blame our hispanic neghbours. the come here to stealm livly hoods from americans. so they can have abetter  life  South of the Boarder. they never see snow there  except in tuly and august in the andes.  so they are paranoid of cold weather.  so they dont want to work. they want ton stay in warm mhomes and laugh at americans who have to work. and dont have extra money becuase they don't live twelve to a one bedroom apartment. splitting rent . so they can send three hundred dollors wich is about three thousand pessos  back home. each month. 
now folks i know i sound like im being rough on them. Im not. actualy im proud of tyhem figuring out they can  come here and in three years buy afarm by sending money to their country. hell they are improving themselves. i would if i could.
thre hundred us dollors. in mexico
ninty dollors a month room .freaquantly with a meal per day.
six dollors for a steak dinner.
or 4 dollors for fish dinner.
hamburger and fries with a coke 3 dollors.
oh by the way these are tourist prices as of feb 26 2013. in matamorros  mexico. I guarntuee you alot cheaper for natives. My personal experiance. says.
when you have a place to prepare your own frejolies con arosa. a lot cheaper.
beans are 25 cents apound. 20 lbs bag of rice 5 dollors.
so they come uup here live like kings. becuase if you try to fire them even with cause they know one word if nothing else racist oh and lawyer.  so your inn court for a hatye crime.
  then becuase  The bankers like the cheap labour i dont blame buissness owners for not wanting topay a fair wage.
hell why should they they have all these peole slipping across the boarder who want to work. they pay them 6 dollors an hour and they are happy. i mean who they going to complain to. Imagration?
  This begs the question. Why do we tollorate them being here illegaly when more and more americans are going with out jobs? and losing their homes?
time to wake upmamerica and look at what these rich bankers are doing.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

CPAC Begins Stupidity Continues

My fellow patriots:
  The Conservative Political Action Comittee (CPAC) is meeting at national harbour Marriott hotel. At your expense.
Yes i said that. You the American perople are footing the bill for these rich people to party.
    Im not really paying any attention to this meeting. Becuase discussion usualy centers around  the question phrased one way or  another "how are we going to rob the poor working slobs  more?"
However becuase of their  belife they are supirior to you and i, becuase they have more welth and political status than we the people they are supposed to serve.  Their time is some how  more valuable than the few cherished hours  you get to spend with your family after long hours at work. these peole gloat as they  let you set in your car. wasting expensive gas.while they are whisked by in  MPDC escorted motorcades to this  meeting of the elete americans.
  Last night  I walked along K street . lobyest row. headed  to McPhearson Square. I  counted no fewer than fifty cop cars. and then agin as many people in uniform. all hanging at the Starbucks drinking coffee. and Cosi eating whatever.  Most of the afternoon.
Then,Suddenly, right at rush hour they closed K street.  and 15th street.  as far as  I could see.  This caused people to find new routes home. Taking more time away from their family.
All so that these rich morons can act like they are better than reall work a day  Americans. rushing  gloating stuffing themselves and boasting how to rob the poor americans  they ostansably serve.
  then to top that off  District of Columbia Department Of Transportation  tow peoples cars  with out notice. "For security porpouses"
   i feel sorry for the people who are so affected .   I Also feel sorry for the cops who have to follow  orders to cause inconveniance to  the public. So, that they can feed their own families.
we the people  can only gripe.  as they strip our rights one by one.
or we can say " no more"
Stand up together and make a reall change. for freedom.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

message to Weirton W VA
 Stand up and help jane doe .
 Weirton WVA. you have our Attention.
 this is an invite to all people .
  We are watching. We are Leagion
  We are  in your face.

 how can you let this go unpunished
. we will be the voice for a two year old.
 jane doe will be represented.
  Tick tock

Monday, February 18, 2013

I Still Cry for Peace! by MWP

taking to the streets. And the roads.

We take up the cause

Of liberty. Freedom to all Americans.

I ask for no drones in the sky

And a safe biway.

I ask Americans to stand up tall.

Fight with words.

Try never to fight with arms.

If you choose to answer the call for,


Wich the anonymous vidio expounds upon a tactic wich I find deplorable.

I have to say:


I choose to argue for peace till after the bombs fall.

For if we must fight a war with weapons we loose sight of our primary pourpouse of diplomacy.

We lose. Talking peacfuly about problems we the 99 percent arguing with the bankers.

We win when they step down.

We the people should be in the streets.

Have our own lobbiests. US!

Remember Patriots, warfare is the failure of diplomacy.

It is still necessary we urge peace and conversation till the last minute.

Ask them why they attack Americans. Ind out why they think they are better off.

However if they want a war it is better we fight it so our sons and daughters do not have to.

Personaly I preferr to be known as the one speaking peace.

Till the new republic free of putred corps of banksters all wearing their slave color.

Showing their service to the one that pays the highest dollor.

ladies walking almost nude.

Just to attract the money

the banksters wave in your face.

So you can live in a box?

Like me.

Its not too hard to live out here.

Its hard to afford the rents the corps want.

Then one case retired military guy buying first house.

Finds co op in flushing ny.

After five years he gets papers sayi g he owes the bank 3 million.

The previous tennat had used it for colatorol.

They saw the judge and suddenly the new owner owed the bank.

This is what we are up aginst.

Its just beginnning 40,000 people in your front yard people might get amessage.

But Probably not this bunch of idiots!

Great firs strike. Keep it up.

Im all insuport of the most numbers of people who got a gripe.

I say fill all the parks.

Bring more people.

Use resources the corps give you for free

. Think about it they are right at your feet.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

A few thoughts on American Freedom

just a few thoughts .
   it is unfortunate that #opamerican freedom is engaged.
the government refuses to listen to the People. so now we must act.
however i ask that those who belive this is true to please act first with extreame caution.Prepare.
  Most Americans have never seen a war. Let alone a war fought in your front yard. as this civial war will be.
prepare yourselves. for hunger. for fear. for the worst nightmare you ever had . the problem with this bad dream.
it will not be a dream.  And no mater how you prepare  you will always wish  you had more.
there are certin smells associated with combat. and its not all muitions.
and the sounds are not all explosions.  it is screaming. and wailing. a man or woman trying to put their  intestines back in becuase their stomache was riped open.
a person with their head cut off still leading the charge before  they fall.
the last sound you hear is a plane passing over head.
the smells we speak of are the smells of  human waste or wasted humans the veary light of life extinguished.  generations of names cut off.
children too young to know what they are doing getting caught in crossfire. mothers with out sons and daughters.
fathers with out wives. unable to make the holidays becuase there is no commerce.  prepare your minds.  for your nightmare is reality.
  prepaer get together dry goods. and store them where they will stay dry.
do not obtain weapons. becuase weapons are tools  to be used for specific tasks.  you limit your thinking when you go with all you need and reduce your mobilaty.
god himselfe gave you yuour greatest weapon .  and it is veary deadly. your mind.  becuase with your mind you can create the tols to do the job.
prepare your mind and prepasre yur body. a good exercise regimen would be apropriate. but be shure to build stamina. a marothon a day would be ideal. though most should prepare with  about five miles in the morning and five before bed.
   be  ready for strife and petulance.
with death comes desise.  if one dies bury them deep at least 6 foot if boxed  8-10 feet down if  in a shroud or no box.  this will help keep the desise down in comunities.
take extensive first aid courses. a nursing defgree would be ideal.
  if you jelp acomunatygive them help but  also tell them they must help themselves.
  whenni was young and fighting for the hearts and minds of little yellow people.  e would offer to help build a school  we would provide the roof. but they must build the walls.
  trust no one but your freinds if operating in a small group.
come together for actions.  thn disaperear. into the comunaty or the wood work.
you My fellow patriot are the resistance.
  fear not to be callled a terrorist or trator.  you are in good company.  George Washington .Ben Franklyn. samual addams. were all called traitors by the British crown.
to desent as we do is truly patriotic.  it is the feild of grass where the tree of liberty grows from the smallest seed.
the government is taking away our constitiuton. and our way of life by executive order.
it is time we patriots stood to order and let our government know we are here  and the governed wants a change.
  our time for change is  close prepare. for the dark days ahead

However I will qute my great grandfather.  Captian John Parker. “ Hold your fire men. but if they want war let it begin here.

For it is better that we shed our blood for the cause of liberty so our sons and daughters do not have to.”

   mark w parker Admiral USN retired.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Anonymous declares war on the USA


operation American freedom Vidieo from anonymous.

  This is unexpected out of the blue. Because Americans in DC  especialy are to chicken to raise their heads above their corporate masters. But the cal is out will you answer

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fences down in McPhearson yay!

as of 0600 2/5/13 fences were down in McPhearson square.
Curiouse as to what happened as i only first noticed them down last night. park cops asked me if i knew anything.
i told  theme i was just walking through looking for a drink.
they left me alone.  my curiousoty up.
i went to CVS and bought a bag of nuts..
sat down on my bench . 
poped open a shell. and shure enough  here comes secret agent S.Q.U.R.I.L.L.
  aka blackie.
hey dude what happened? i asked being a good reporter i had  to ask.
what you mean dude.? blackie countered.  looking up. chewing a nut.
" the fences are down".i responded . " Just look."
oh that. Gave a  chuckle. " we got tired of cutting our hands and feet. on that monstorous thing.
so we recruited some R.A.T.S. to cut the string and then we let it fall.
started rolling it."
"got one for the kids?" she asked.
i tossed another couple.
blackie  continued. " then those  guys with the loud machines came  we ran to the trees. " squirl answered.
" well ,did you know it coincided with the eviction of the tents. ?" i asked.  looking at blackie as she stood on her hind legs and front legs outstreached.
  "no we just knew we were tired of it. its not natural. besides,  We missed you giants  laying on the grass and cuddling us"
Aw thanks blackie," i replired. tossing her some more  payola.
see we Squirils listend when you allwere talking in those strange nests of yours.  and we also belive another world is possable. "
  thats my story.Squraly as it is. Im sticking with it.
  thanks  S.Q.U.R.I.L.L. and R.A.T. too.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

dc inagural covarage.

March 19 082 


ill be supporting the D.C.media g roup.  part of occupydc . in their covarage of the events surrounding  the inaguration of barrack obama. please follow and bookmark  this link


and please follow my friends at


thanks enjoy the events,

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hell no I won’t give you my gun Mr President.

With this executive order Barak Obama  has set this nation on a course that we may never recover from.
by ordering not just high capacaty amunition clips turned in but hunting weapons also.being outlawed
i can see fully automatic weapons being outlawed. but why single shot rifles.
The President has essentaly said gun owners are not responsable  citizens.
citizens  who use guns to feed their families. and defend their homes and persons.
our fore fathers when they wrote the 2nd amendment put it in for a pourpose. To protect the american people from a represive government like the one we revolted aginst in 1770s
  With this in mind please join us. KEEP YOUR GUNS!
  i offer the linn county sheriff my congratulations for standing up. and being a patriot. refusing to obey Obamas dictat. we need more Americans like you.
  Now we watch close and hope the feds dont try to take the guns from law abiding americans  God be with us if they do.
remember guns do not kill people  stupid people with guns kill people.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why did we go to the tents?

Bear's Eye-2-7Hey here we go inagurating the great didvider once agin.

Why after sept 17 2011 do occupiers those who called themselves in revolt bother to vote.

When we went to the tents we declared the overthrow of the gov. Was our intent.

Then all i heard was who you voting for? Ron paul!

Then Obama.

When thisn experiment has failed and we know a two party system is too corrupt.

You still went to nthe polls. And let the total roll.

Yet we are about to protest the same man who you voted for? What is wrong with this picture?

I sid it then and i say it now .

We are in revolt.

Occupiuers you are the law in this land.

You are above the banksters pupetry.

Yet you still say you voted for the Man. Becuase he has aplan?

A plan to make you poor.

A plan to make you hungry.

A plan to give away american jobs.

A plan to have your son or daughter killed in a far away land.

You voted then why did you go to the tents?

Concounce or Cowardness?

Sgt Mich Turner was aressted for desertion. Having become a cause clebre of the peace movement.

Becuase he deserted as amatter of concounce.

Excuse me where was that concounce when you vollenteered to put on the uniform of my nation.?

What youy thought you get a pay kcheck and mabey go to school .then when the callis out for you to do the job you will just say Iquit? And ill make it a moralistic seming move. While thise men i served with and betrayed are dying in sands far away from home. Ill just say i had achange of mind and walk away.

You seargent Micha Turnner should not be allowed to look at any american. Let alone those hipies you tease becuase they naivly belive you had achange of heart. Nd are being persacuted becuase you dont want to go.

Well hell son you missed movement. Refused to obey orders. Just to name a couple charges.

Andf illadd cowards like you disgustht me. .

There are men laying in hallowed ground not far from where i set who wore that uniform they thought they had no choice becuase America called for youths to stand and fight. To stand for what they belived is right.

They ddi not sneak off in the night.heys tod on the When their brothers went forward to the fight.

They stood on the promise to defend their land. They were not going to ask another man to do what they can.

So sgt. I hope you get the max. Becuase you ran when real men were prepared to make the supream sacrafice for my land.

i served this nation and i recived orders i ddi not agree with. I ddinot run. I knew the milatary was not all fun.

So to all those who like me did not run . I salute you and join you in prayer and hope this coward dont see the liht of day agin as afree man. Becuase he thinks hes too good to keep apromise to fight for our freegdoms.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

the day at fargut Squre

faragut park.
named after faragut of mobile bay fame.
serves as a lunch meca becuase of the trucks vending an variaty of meals.
carnavore bbq.
served by ORANGE : BLUE and RED  Metro lines.
i had the pulled pork astol city.  capiuked for the hottest.
and got vinegar. good nc but not texan for sure.
the beans were the best ive eaten in yankeeland.
those coming in for the inagguration and are close to the white house
this would be a veary good place to come at noon.
new 7-11 opened on 17th

Orentation of the Capitol City.
  the cities grid of streets. centers on the capitol building. in the exact center  ofthe rotunda.  four lines project.   dividing the city into four quadrents. NW.NE.SW.SE.  PRONOUNCED North weast Southweast North east south east.  then there are east weast streets s they are a;phebetic. with the exception of non existant j street
north south streets dare numbered. from one up.
on the 21st the area of the capitol building will be wall to wall people. and more cops than people.
there will be road closures galore read about them at
washington word warriors advice is to move away From the festivaties. to grab a bite before going inside.
ill check to see how to get tickets shortlyand post that information.
dont think about bringing sodas or anything in acooler the us secret service is not going to allow that. as they always never do.

the cops are always prepared for trouble.

in farragut squa

live blogging from farragut square lunch time weather in the low forties.re
manny lunch wagons here.
with any flavors from round the world.
and great place to people watch.
access faragut weast and farragut north stations.on the Metro. on 17th st n.w.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to My Zebra

"Your sick." says my mom. "you brought a monster into the world. "
"thats my daughter' i reply.
"thats no grand kid of mine." mom says looking at the little bundle
wraped in a blanket. presentedfor her to see.
she raised me to treat others like me .
"They are people too"she would say.
Now my own mom  treating my newborn daughter like trash.
calling her amoster. becuase i slept with a black woman.
Becuase I helped create a 'Zebra."
a girl i went to school with. We worked to get aplace to play.
put up with peoples stares  becuase we cared for each other.
she took me . i took her as each others lover.
  that hot texas night we had been wed but two months.
car drives by.
firecrackers pop.
rhonda falls .
she is bleeding. throat. chest.
her body had sheilded me. who was holding our child.
as the shots rang out. Killing my wife of two months.
leaving me alone with our daughter a Zebra.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Annopen letter to The stubenville victum and all rape survivors.

An open letter to the stubenville rape victum. And all rape victums.
  Sister. and we are brother and sister in more  ways than you will ever know.
I have been there . not knowing if my attacker would come back.
feeling helpless. scared and no one beliving me. taunting me. becuase of the attazck.
you are not alone. we are here for you.
your freinds  hear your cries .
we feel the cold sweats.
we sense your fear and embrace you to hold you and comfort you in this desrriate times.
i promise you that we will lay the town scorched till the terrorists that attacked you are brought before the bar of justice.
we are there for you now, and tomorrow.
you my sister can never be alone agin. becuase we are a brother /sisterhood of Survivors.
Ihave another freind  simmler situationas yours.
We the survivors are leagion.
and her attacker  can expect us.
becuase we are always here .
we are watching.
we will get justice for the sourvivors.
  those who think they can cover up a crime like this need think agin.
NO matter who you are.
or where you hide
or who you know.
we will bring it to light.
from rich  people who can pay to seal records.
to foot ball players.
to baby rapers who post on line.
we are  here
we are leagion.
we are human
expect us. when you don't expect us  you need to really expect us!


Saturday, January 5, 2013

well here we go the first news of the new year

washington word warrior --- On the streets.
  wow it would be nice to be traveling. getting out of the cold winds of the nations Capitol. Where our government meets. but it takeds a ton of blankets. to stay warm at night.  i went into the coffee shop SPENT MY MONEY. bought a cup of coffee.  Turned and got the key.
put my coffe on the fixings bar.
went to the toilet. I mean i buy somthing im a coustomer right ?
as soon as i walk out put the key on the counter.
  the manager picks the key up.  walks to the bathroom to check on the mess.
" i dont want to hear one word." i said. there was an ongoing track record of this 
the manager a veary large, intimidating, person. not liking Homeless people. " about the bathroom being a mess. Its actualy cleaner now than when i went in"
the manager comes out and  the cleark says
"He told you"
i walked out  to the tables.  Where ordinarialy the chairs would be set up before the door was  unlocked. yet they hadn't been.
  iwas standing drinking my coffee. Awoman handed me a cup. of coffee.
  then a guy handed me 50 cents. here is the manager sayi ng.
"if i catch you asking one more person you will be banned." he didnt want to hear that i didnt ask.   they gave it to me.
now how can a real American win aginst a racist  black. in a town thats 98.6 percent black?
  well we could instead of focousing on the stupidaty of one pereson.
turn my anger towards the corprate way of thinking.   minimium wage telling  homless humans they cant be served becuase they don't want them in their stores.
  people with a little job. thinking they are better than others.
folks its  time to stand up .
i hope my little adventure inspires others to take action.
stop the stupidity. people think just becuse hs black im white its not racism.
  its time for every person to stand up and fight the corporate stupidaty.
end the bankers hegmony. eles
beginning today we launch  our largest most extensive ever  boycott. i ask my fellow patriots to force the companies that make money with unscrupulouse people working for them.  if you  have aproblem that even hints at profiling post it.
you have aproblem that evennhints at racism. post it
name of buissness  location city state  etc.
it is only by exposing this  behavior can we hope to make change.!
slowly we the american people are making a diffrence.  you can help us!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy new years!

Hello from the front lines.
  as 2012 draws to a close. and 2013 begins. i wish all humanaty. a peacful and joyfull new years.
  from where i set and look we have along wayto go. needing to make alot of changes.
  watching The school shooting in Coneticutt usa smade me sick. then hearing the bombing of a school  in Damascus Syria. im forced to wonder.
  with all the talk about the future . do people care? Really?
  if so  then whyare they killing children. why do they walk into schools and not a milatary base.
why a shopping mall. Not a cop shop?
is it becuase no one cares. ?
Like most people.  i have more questions than answers. this the last day of 2012. as i watch the final  sunrise.  I hope together over the next year we  will find those answers.
  Ill begin turning the blog from reporting the news as its happening.  to  being more along the lines of investigation.
Why do humans choose to prey on humans?
what is on their minds?
we think about ted bundy. jeffery dalmer when we think about human predators.
why is it some choose be subjagated. to some one seemingly supirior.
over the next year. we will explore these peoples  minds.
from simple dating rituals. to the most dangorouse humans imaganable.
  Okay, prophasy or what i don,t know.
  2013 was but a few minutes old. when i was able luckily or unluckly to wittness the first stabbing of 2013. in DC
the corner i sleep on is realativaly quiet. and relitivay well patroled. becuase of the madison Hotel and the Weston hotel  being right there.  then i hear a commotion. Look out from under  my blankets. (Sorry im a white man so there for always last when it comes to getting good things off the homless trucks) there was a guy walking by trying to hold his stomache together and leaving a trail of blood on the side walk.
oh well not my baliwack  they left quick. /One thing i ddi noticcce was awhite tauraus taking off after the guy was stabbed.
so when an hour later  cops asked what happened. i was really reluctant  to talk.
  the cop said here or down at the district. .
  i told him i was afrad becuase i saw a car simmler to the one just pulled up. and you got out of. Im homeless. and i donnt want to dissapear. "
  he became seariouse. when he realized i was telling the truth. 
" that was me trying to help the guy i got to him by the garage. took him hospital.
i sat up , my fear not aleviated. cops are people and they lie also. i know.
  finaly the cop went away to do cop things.
i went to sleep and slept through New years day.
  so welco e 2013. hope its better than 2012. For me and you.