Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fences down in McPhearson yay!

as of 0600 2/5/13 fences were down in McPhearson square.
Curiouse as to what happened as i only first noticed them down last night. park cops asked me if i knew anything.
i told  theme i was just walking through looking for a drink.
they left me alone.  my curiousoty up.
i went to CVS and bought a bag of nuts..
sat down on my bench . 
poped open a shell. and shure enough  here comes secret agent S.Q.U.R.I.L.L.
  aka blackie.
hey dude what happened? i asked being a good reporter i had  to ask.
what you mean dude.? blackie countered.  looking up. chewing a nut.
" the fences are down".i responded . " Just look."
oh that. Gave a  chuckle. " we got tired of cutting our hands and feet. on that monstorous thing.
so we recruited some R.A.T.S. to cut the string and then we let it fall.
started rolling it."
"got one for the kids?" she asked.
i tossed another couple.
blackie  continued. " then those  guys with the loud machines came  we ran to the trees. " squirl answered.
" well ,did you know it coincided with the eviction of the tents. ?" i asked.  looking at blackie as she stood on her hind legs and front legs outstreached.
  "no we just knew we were tired of it. its not natural. besides,  We missed you giants  laying on the grass and cuddling us"
Aw thanks blackie," i replired. tossing her some more  payola.
see we Squirils listend when you allwere talking in those strange nests of yours.  and we also belive another world is possable. "
  thats my story.Squraly as it is. Im sticking with it.
  thanks  S.Q.U.R.I.L.L. and R.A.T. too.