Thursday, February 14, 2013

A few thoughts on American Freedom

just a few thoughts .
   it is unfortunate that #opamerican freedom is engaged.
the government refuses to listen to the People. so now we must act.
however i ask that those who belive this is true to please act first with extreame caution.Prepare.
  Most Americans have never seen a war. Let alone a war fought in your front yard. as this civial war will be.
prepare yourselves. for hunger. for fear. for the worst nightmare you ever had . the problem with this bad dream.
it will not be a dream.  And no mater how you prepare  you will always wish  you had more.
there are certin smells associated with combat. and its not all muitions.
and the sounds are not all explosions.  it is screaming. and wailing. a man or woman trying to put their  intestines back in becuase their stomache was riped open.
a person with their head cut off still leading the charge before  they fall.
the last sound you hear is a plane passing over head.
the smells we speak of are the smells of  human waste or wasted humans the veary light of life extinguished.  generations of names cut off.
children too young to know what they are doing getting caught in crossfire. mothers with out sons and daughters.
fathers with out wives. unable to make the holidays becuase there is no commerce.  prepare your minds.  for your nightmare is reality.
  prepaer get together dry goods. and store them where they will stay dry.
do not obtain weapons. becuase weapons are tools  to be used for specific tasks.  you limit your thinking when you go with all you need and reduce your mobilaty.
god himselfe gave you yuour greatest weapon .  and it is veary deadly. your mind.  becuase with your mind you can create the tols to do the job.
prepare your mind and prepasre yur body. a good exercise regimen would be apropriate. but be shure to build stamina. a marothon a day would be ideal. though most should prepare with  about five miles in the morning and five before bed.
   be  ready for strife and petulance.
with death comes desise.  if one dies bury them deep at least 6 foot if boxed  8-10 feet down if  in a shroud or no box.  this will help keep the desise down in comunities.
take extensive first aid courses. a nursing defgree would be ideal.
  if you jelp acomunatygive them help but  also tell them they must help themselves.
  whenni was young and fighting for the hearts and minds of little yellow people.  e would offer to help build a school  we would provide the roof. but they must build the walls.
  trust no one but your freinds if operating in a small group.
come together for actions.  thn disaperear. into the comunaty or the wood work.
you My fellow patriot are the resistance.
  fear not to be callled a terrorist or trator.  you are in good company.  George Washington .Ben Franklyn. samual addams. were all called traitors by the British crown.
to desent as we do is truly patriotic.  it is the feild of grass where the tree of liberty grows from the smallest seed.
the government is taking away our constitiuton. and our way of life by executive order.
it is time we patriots stood to order and let our government know we are here  and the governed wants a change.
  our time for change is  close prepare. for the dark days ahead

However I will qute my great grandfather.  Captian John Parker. “ Hold your fire men. but if they want war let it begin here.

For it is better that we shed our blood for the cause of liberty so our sons and daughters do not have to.”

   mark w parker Admiral USN retired.

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