Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Happy new year late but here

My fellow Americans:
This message goes out to the rich and the poor. To the sick and the well , the red and the black .
I say its time to do what you feel is right. I say it is time for you to stand up and fight.
I say it is time for you to say “This is my land. and enough is enough.”
I have traveled this land. From the Rockies to the sandy beaches of the Florida islands. I have seen economic distancing of the peoples.
In the plains poor farmers being bought out by foreigners. Because they and the farms which have been in families for generations can not compete with multinational factory farms. a dairy farm in a family for a hundred years was told the dairy would no longer pick up from them because they do not produce enough milk.
a potato farmer in Idaho told that they could not sell their potatoes because they don’t have a certificate that says it was grown with out cancer causing chemicals. That costs when all sid and done more than they will earn after selling the crop.
A corn farmer who was told he could not harvest his crop . Unless he hired a certen group of people. who wanted more than another.
this was our government telling them this.
This was the federal government telling farmers they can not sell .
American companies can import from elsewhere and pass the price on to you the consumer. who do not know that:.
those fresh fruits you bought at the supermarket. probably came in from mexico or brazil.
the steak you ate for dinner was imported from japan.
that alaskan salmon was canned in china.
Those beans you ate were grown in mabey mexico. or Malasya.
Our government tells us that it has the strictest quality controls. On our foods.
however there is a little known fact that the foods imported do not have to pass USDA guidelines.
It is part of Agreements put out during the Reagan adminastration called nafta. it goes from the factory where it is produced directly to the store. And we americans consume it to the tune of billions to off shore extra national corporations beyond us government regulatory controls.
Americans it is time to stand up and say enough enough corporat greed.
Enough government in our homes .
yes evry news brodcast sit com comercial is designed to give you a message. not always the right one.
an example is think how many americans do you see on TV. Who are poor? Who srtuggle day by day just to get by and feed their familys? Go out looking for work
Then in the World News . We hear “all is well here at home.” mean while over seas there is a catastrophy wich we Americans need to put our unwanted noses. “To help ensure Democrocy”. there is fighting somewhere. there is famine. but here at home we dont have those problems. There is not, according to the telaprompter mouth pieces of the Corporate fascists. families eating on soup lines. Mothers with children out in the streets because some one wants to take her kids. Because she” needs to go to a shelter. Becuase she csan not find work and tke catre of her children. therfore in the eyes of the government ,an unfit mother.
Once the government removes them for “safety” those kds are adopted by some one and taken into their homes. separated from their mother. because their mother could not find work. becuase the rich imagrant that is wealthy enough to adopt. has a job she needs.
yeah folks every things okay in America.
Enough government side dealing with foreign corporations.
heck even McDonald’s is not owned by Americans any more. The family sold controlling interest to some multi billionaire in Mexico. Has anyone noticed tortillas on the menue lately?
As we begin this new year I ask my fellow patriots to consider what I have said and do your own research. if you don’t believe me. you will find the government lies. but the people do not.