Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Colorado First to decrimanalize cannibus


Breaking breaking BREAKING

97 percent of precents reporting.

Colorado has just become the first state to decriminalize marijuana. For public use.

“this puts canabis on the same level as buying beer” says one spokes person for the initive 64 via skype.

It can still be more than a year until the law takes effect. And the govonor must certify within 30 days the results of the election.

Once agin Colorado has taken the historic step of decrimanalizing marijuana.

The Feds have yet to weigh in on this issue.

USA eric Holder has been unusualy silent.


Okay Here we go agin. Wake up America!!!!!

The washing ton word warrior is awed by the results of the national selection process. And his uncanny abiality to call elections a week out. Only one did I miss 2000.

wich tells me to this day there was something wrong there no matter what the gov. and Main stream media says.

Ill admit early on I was slightly worried.about the resualts last night but I set back and realized its not over till california votes.

I was assleep when at 1130 aprox eastern the cheers began.

And god help us I could not go back to sleep I turned on my computer accessed the wifi from the buissness this homless blogger sleeps in front of. And saw Obama with 275 and romeny with 205.

it woke my neghbours.

I dont know whether it was the cherring or my cursing that my candidate Nobody lost that did it.

Well folks Bend over here it comes agin.

Another four years of Obama.

A muslem running this Christian nation.

Already hearing from the Military . Obama is talking bout sending 2000 more marines to Kenya.

The only thing I can say that has any reall bearing on last night is America lost.

Heck cnn was even using Hispanic networks to keep track on what the hispanics were voting on.

So many new americans it was estamated 10 percent of the vote was hispanics.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Projected Winner!!! 2012 presidential races

I am now sticking my neck out and calling the 2012 race between  Mitt Romeny and barak Obama.

and im having a fit.

 i call the election for And Congradulate
the next president of the United states of America. ....
 Barak Hussein Obama.
  our decision time is Nov 6 2012. 5:33pm ET

Dear Mr president elect.

Dear Mr President elect.

It is 8am eastern. I dont know whommi am writing to . However I ask. Nay I beg. For you to hear our the poor and disfranchised americans who have no Homes No insurance and no jobs. As well as No hope of getting them.

Mabey you know you have the job as I lay down on the cold wind swept sidewalk of our nations capitol to try to catch some rest

so I can go out and join a soup line agin on the dawn. While you dream of laying out on the lawn of 1600 Pensylvania avenue.

Go file job aplications to hear the sound of laughture as they say in spanish or some foregin tounge. The American thinks he can get a job. “

chased off a job site because some body wants their cousin to be working there. Forget an man whos soul desire at the time was tonprovide a home for his sickly wife.

Who in dispair a coule years later robbed abank so she could get proper medical care.

Oh I beg you to hear the voices of the farmers out in the plains who have no hope of recovering from the drought loss they obtained. No way ton pay the feed loan. They will now lose their homes.

Think of the children who go to bed hungry . Each night here in america. Not in africa.

Sir al I want . Is anation where a person who served this land . Whos son died for this land.

Each morning I wake and look at the banner of the republic. And pray sir is today the daY I CAN HOLD MY HEAD UP AND SAY IM PROUD TO BE HERE?

Or are you going to do your best to make your banker feeinds proud. ?

I as well as milions of americans awit your reply.

Sincearly ,

Mark W. Parker Cmndr. USN ret.

Ps. Whennis my retirement pay going to be enough to cover my bills?

Remember to vote! like it really matters.

Today the American people go out to vote. I cant but harken back to '08 when obama said he wanted change.

What hppened ? Here wer are four years later .In the third worst financial crissess n American History.

Risking going to jail for being sickly A couple barestas talking about. redneck duck hunt how funny it is. I guess is a TV program

. Hell ,Im mhomeless. I don't watch tv. Where amI going to put it.? My back pack is already heavy. With everything I own.

Imagine as you look around from your screen a persons whole life down to what they can carry in a bag on their back.

Lucky for coffee shops and friends. Free wifi to get my blog on. And freindf to give computers . When they upgrade.

Im hoping if Obama gets re elected. He learns from his past mistakes.

Under Romeny things wont eveer get better. In fact if he is able to things will get even worse for the middle class. And lower. Like the majoraty of America. Heck he wants to deregulate the banks. And stop social services.

This comes from a Man whos religion requires he be a prepper. One of those people who expect the Zombie Apocalypse any day.

Achurch whos book teaches the thirteenth tribe colonized Americas after sailing the pacific on a raft. Then founded the Azetec empire. Then went north to become the tribes of the new world Origanal americans.

Humm what sort of a god complex could this man be having? belive me? Read his book.

As ive read Obamas Quran.

Hat is why ive been able to know in advance what Obamas going to do.

I sugesst reading up on the religion of Joseph smith.

And then ask is this the theocracy I want to live under along with the banks running things?

Another person to screw us with our pants on. ?

The best we can hope for is either a republican congress if Obama is re elected. Or a democratic congress if Romeny gets elected.

This Theoreticaly. And I may be wrong im no John Axelrod. One of the best campaign advisers ive ever seen work.

Would act as afailsafe for the american people. Keeping the chief executive from getting too stupid with his leislation.

Well it dont matter as myselfe and millions of reall Americans will be sleeping outin the weather agin tonight.

We are forced to take it as it comes. WE THE HOMELESS HAVE NO CHOICE.

No matter who wins THERE WILL BE NO CHANGE FOR US .


As you go to vote think about the course of America. That you would set. Cant find one who works for you then Vote by not voting.  because really it dosent matter they are both out for no one but them selves. putting lobbyist dollors in their pockets. and no jobs or homes or food in ours.

Who will be the captian of the ship of state. when you wake.  in the dawns early light? Our troops <In Afaghanastan and iraq as well as KENYA.  go out to fight once agin for your rights.(So we are told by the  big banks and oil companies) on a battle ground far away from home.  their reward  upon return . poverty and blight. if not a box and hole in the ground.

“ The wars over Elderly Poor soldiers and dogs STAY OFF THE GRASS”

Will This or that battleground state go Blue or Red or White? 

Big deal . lets get real.

No matter who is at the wheel

the homeless,the elderly, the poor will get the raw deal.



I have to ask why is it that the third party canIndependents because they want to do what needs to be done to fix the nation. they want to actualy getdidates are not seen on cable and network news? is it mabey because the bankers control the media and don’t want anti banking presidents? greens to conserve energy. Independents  to actualy open the hood and fix the car?

the bankers want status quoe. while we americans who vote waqnt  jobs homes and food. 

witch of these two  is going to do that for me ?

None.  So I’m Voting .

Yes I am .

For NOBODY! because Nobody gives aDamned.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Drunks are not Occupy!

There is a saying . “ Remember remember the fifth of November.”

wich is the day Guy fawks tried with co conspiritors to blow up parlement.

Today in Britan it is celebrated with bonfires. And drinking.

In the united states it is supposadly a rally cry for Occupy. To go marching and demonstrate.

But wait >Who is it they are speaking of?

In my humble opinion. I see nothing but intxicated individuals. Setting in McPhearson Square. Panhandling in the name of occupy. Hosing down beer and wine.

Then calling people who try to do right by occupy. Talk to them about appearances. Get the people who are working around us involved with the movement. Snitches and cops because we don't do their drugs or drinking things.

When the people we need to do the job of making change see this happening they think occupy is nothing but deriicts who only want to get drunk and stoned

they don't notice the few trying to make posative change. .

Smoking drugs and drinking then panhandling to keep their drugs and booze going. Is not occupy!

So I say remember the fith of november.

But say no to “Occupy Panhandlers”

and emember Nobody cares about the budget.

Nobody cares about the individual american

Nobody wants to create jobs.

Nobody wants to help the poverty stricken in America well therre is my Vote

Join me and vote for Nobody

Just stay home because no mater who you vote for nothing is going to change for Americans

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our time is NOW! AMERICA!

My fellow patriots.:

In just afew hours The American people will make achoice. For who to lead this nation for the next four years.

Though we the people already know. The selection has already been made by the bankers who control everything about us. From what we eat to what we wear what we learnnin school. And what items are cool.

My fellow patriots its time we show we are not fools. Stand up. Wak out of work and school on election day.

Join the american freedom fighters as we begin Phase two of the occupy movement and begin to seariously remove the bankers from our lives.

Begin buying gold and silver. Obtain taqngable items you can trade.

The us dollor is already droping in value around the world. Only being held up by the federal reserve printing more money.

The Us and world economies are on a crash course

get ready.

Vote with your head. And dont pull the lever for anyone .

Op shutdown is underway!
