Saturday, August 24, 2013

There are the usual drunks on Friday and Saturday nights acting well like drunks stumbling all over the place, getting up putting boobs back into to tight tops Then stumbling again< laughing wehile doing it. ... Man I tell you , it was so hot in Washington DC. How hot?You ask? So hot that I saw a group of collage students, Amie, Joyce, Stan frying an egg on the sidewalk at K and 18th... witch makes me glad that Old man Winter is on his way it will not be long before the dreaded hypothermia season begins. .. I ask you readers dig into your closet pull out the old coats and clothes,,, Please donate them to the homeless...Washington D.C. Is getting ready for the fiftieth anniversary of the 1963 march on Washington where Rev Dr Martin L. King gave his famous” I have a Dream” Speach at the Linclon Memorial. ... the national park service wants to advise you not to bring glass or alcohol into the mall area other wise enjoy yourselves... The Lincoln memorial has been repaired since the vandal threw green paint on the monument...Speaking of monuments did you know there is no law in Washington D.C. against a woman going topless any where a man can.... Please book mark this Blog and check Back frequently...Setting having morning coffee. Up by the Collage. one woman likes to set in the park by the World Bank wearing a short dress. With her long legs open showing the Bermuda triangle... the only problem I have here is there is a hotel nearby with families ....Happy Birthday Cherry...From The Washington Word warrior.

bears blabing

There are the usual drunks on Friday and Saturday nights acting well like drunks stumbling all over the place, getting up putting boobs back into to tight tops Then stumbling again< laughing wehile doing it. ... Man I tell you , it was so hot in Washington DC. How hot?You ask? So hot that I saw a group of collage students, Amie, Joyce, Stan frying an egg on the sidewalk at K and 18th... witch makes me glad that Old man Winter is on his way it will not be long before the dreaded hypothermia season begins. .. I ask you readers dig into your closet pull out the old coats and clothes,,, Please donate them to the homeless...Washington D.C. Is getting ready for the fiftieth anniversary of the 1963 march on Washington where Rev Dr Martin L. King gave his famous” I have a Dream” Speach at the Linclon Memorial. ... the national park service wants to advise you not to bring glass or alcohol into the mall area other wise enjoy yourselves... The Lincoln memorial has been repaired since the vandal threw green paint on the monument...Speaking of monuments did you know there is no law in Washington D.C. against a woman going topless any where a man can.... Please book mark this Blog and check Back frequently...Setting having morning coffee. Up by the Collage. one woman likes to set in the park by the World Bank wearing a short dress. With her long legs open showing the Bermuda triangle... the only problem I have here is there is a hotel nearby with families ....Happy Birthday Cherry...From The Washington Word warrior.

Friday, August 23, 2013

bears blabbing

Fall is almost here you folks noticed the first leaves turning for fall colors?...Hemlines on skirts getting shorter women usually wearing a pair of shorts showing long tourist legs as they walk through the Smithsonian Institution gawking And flashing those cell phone camera right in your eyes? usualy.... There is the pedicab operator who is always looking at the passengers As he peddles through traffic missing oncoming cars by centimeters...... The White House now has a new addition to the first family named Sunny....Mom running down Pensylvania Avenue with her child in a stroller. Dressed in the latest running outfit shaking her tiny skirt and boobs.. barely watching where she is going with her nose in the air pretending to ignore admiring stares... Got my attention finaly when a car horn went off . she was close to getting the kid hit. Moral watch where you are going... Pfc Bradly Manning just got sentenced to thirty five years in Ft Leavenworth .. You recall he is the Wiki-leaks Whistle blower.. Manning came out after his trial at FT.Mead saying, he wants to be a she. and is gay... I also understand there is a person waiting to make sure Chelsa Manning is safe for the next few years in Leavenworth penitentiary... Hosani Mubarak walked out of prison under house arresst and no body noticed. the protesters whonousted him were to busy ousting t one who replaced him... Frankies Pizza on vermont Ave, here in dc has humoungous slices of pizza for a very reasonable price..... a hearty Thanks to a couple ladies who really helped yours truly Amy Thanks for as great lunch in the rain... and Rhonda thanks for the Coffee.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


  columbia south carolina  has outlawed the homeless.  saying they are going to put them in camps. and make them stay there becuase the City will pay extra police to patrol. for escapees.
  shades of Nazi Germany.
  we find this outragous many of the homeless are vetrans of foregin wars. who served this land.
 many are in need of psyciatric help and many are just poor unable to find work.
  so the rich merchants of Columbia are making it impossable for the homless to live.
 the city is setting up a special hotline for the merchants to report the homless if they appear in down town.
  this is unconstitutonal.  it would not go unnoticed if it was a class of people say blacks Latinos. or gays.
 now Americans are being targeted by Americans.  and i ask Americans to stand up. now
  Anonymouse  jas said they are about to launch #opColumbia. We are leagion. We do not forget. We do not forgive.  Expect us.