Thursday, January 17, 2013

dc inagural covarage.

March 19 082 


ill be supporting the g roup.  part of occupydc . in their covarage of the events surrounding  the inaguration of barrack obama. please follow and bookmark  this link

and please follow my friends at

thanks enjoy the events,

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hell no I won’t give you my gun Mr President.

With this executive order Barak Obama  has set this nation on a course that we may never recover from.
by ordering not just high capacaty amunition clips turned in but hunting weapons also.being outlawed
i can see fully automatic weapons being outlawed. but why single shot rifles.
The President has essentaly said gun owners are not responsable  citizens.
citizens  who use guns to feed their families. and defend their homes and persons.
our fore fathers when they wrote the 2nd amendment put it in for a pourpose. To protect the american people from a represive government like the one we revolted aginst in 1770s
  With this in mind please join us. KEEP YOUR GUNS!
  i offer the linn county sheriff my congratulations for standing up. and being a patriot. refusing to obey Obamas dictat. we need more Americans like you.
  Now we watch close and hope the feds dont try to take the guns from law abiding americans  God be with us if they do.
remember guns do not kill people  stupid people with guns kill people.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why did we go to the tents?

Bear's Eye-2-7Hey here we go inagurating the great didvider once agin.

Why after sept 17 2011 do occupiers those who called themselves in revolt bother to vote.

When we went to the tents we declared the overthrow of the gov. Was our intent.

Then all i heard was who you voting for? Ron paul!

Then Obama.

When thisn experiment has failed and we know a two party system is too corrupt.

You still went to nthe polls. And let the total roll.

Yet we are about to protest the same man who you voted for? What is wrong with this picture?

I sid it then and i say it now .

We are in revolt.

Occupiuers you are the law in this land.

You are above the banksters pupetry.

Yet you still say you voted for the Man. Becuase he has aplan?

A plan to make you poor.

A plan to make you hungry.

A plan to give away american jobs.

A plan to have your son or daughter killed in a far away land.

You voted then why did you go to the tents?

Concounce or Cowardness?

Sgt Mich Turner was aressted for desertion. Having become a cause clebre of the peace movement.

Becuase he deserted as amatter of concounce.

Excuse me where was that concounce when you vollenteered to put on the uniform of my nation.?

What youy thought you get a pay kcheck and mabey go to school .then when the callis out for you to do the job you will just say Iquit? And ill make it a moralistic seming move. While thise men i served with and betrayed are dying in sands far away from home. Ill just say i had achange of mind and walk away.

You seargent Micha Turnner should not be allowed to look at any american. Let alone those hipies you tease becuase they naivly belive you had achange of heart. Nd are being persacuted becuase you dont want to go.

Well hell son you missed movement. Refused to obey orders. Just to name a couple charges.

Andf illadd cowards like you disgustht me. .

There are men laying in hallowed ground not far from where i set who wore that uniform they thought they had no choice becuase America called for youths to stand and fight. To stand for what they belived is right.

They ddi not sneak off in the night.heys tod on the When their brothers went forward to the fight.

They stood on the promise to defend their land. They were not going to ask another man to do what they can.

So sgt. I hope you get the max. Becuase you ran when real men were prepared to make the supream sacrafice for my land.

i served this nation and i recived orders i ddi not agree with. I ddinot run. I knew the milatary was not all fun.

So to all those who like me did not run . I salute you and join you in prayer and hope this coward dont see the liht of day agin as afree man. Becuase he thinks hes too good to keep apromise to fight for our freegdoms.