Monday, August 26, 2013

bears babblings

Well another three day holiday. Witch means no work for the wicked I think I got that one right... Saturday a promoter at a club was sin the process of helping get a woman’s party going. When her client came upto her and said her purse was missing. “And no one is helping me find it” The promoter droped what she was doing and began helping the lady find her purse. Looking everywhere behind speakers and curtins. Behind couches etc. .. telling bar backs and bartenders Be on the look out” all the while the pastier was following her around saying its not getting found. Its not there ' nag nag nag this promoter got my true to believe was setting having coffee sat night A drunk walkedout into the street a car com along too fast hitting her knocking her into the air over the top and roling on the concrete. People rushed to help the lady. When she stood up said I’m okay and staggered on her way with a crowd of people following her. … Around the nation scholl is about to begin again all those sore throats and missed buses bringing back memories of my misguided and ill spent youth.... Washington DC George Washington university you couldn’t tell class was in because the liquor store at 20th and I streets is doing landmark business with the collage students and need I mention the herb dealer across the street from TGI Fridays also for a high note the only 24 hour Starbucks in dc is located at 24th and H streets NW. don’t bother trying to get a “Quick” cup of coffee or find a place to set. You wont. The kids all glue them selves to seats and the staff take for ever to get an order...Urgent UN inspectors in Syria were made to turn around by sniper fire while they were on route to investigate Allegations of Asad using chemical weapons aginst civillians....People on the Hill are biting at the bit to get US armed forces into the mix... the free Syrian Army has asked that NATO stay out of it...Onward with the Bradly/ Chelsea Manning issue You recall he /she is the wikkileaks whistle blower who just received a thirty-five years sentence and then said he wanted to be refferred to as Chelsea. A good friend of mine Marina a transgendered individual said I was insulting them. My apologies I was because of the timing and personal experience having a hard time figuring why he/she wanted to announce he /she was ready for gender reassignment as when she was headed to a prison. I would not want to be known as even a gay
that environment. However if I offended any one my apologies....heard about occupy internationl somewhere in Missouri. I didn’t even know it was still going on... feds announced they had busted “The leadership” of the leaderless Hackivist group Anonymous , about four hours after that Anonymous responded by releasing FBI files into the public domain....Setting around in our nations capitol wondering what this day will bring wishing you all the happiness and joy. And remember when you walk by ahomless person this person may not always be a drunk it may be an informant for the washington word warrior wathing the government watching you....

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