Sandy had been expected.
Sunday night at 5 pm standing in the Park talking to freinds. I had just finished panhandling for the day.Waiting for mckennas Wagon a soup truck that visits vaiouse parks to feed us , the homeless. The first rain drops began to fall.
I went to where i camp. Setting there waiting. For whatever and went to sleep. In my sleeping bag .
At 230 am a worker with Uhomles outreach. Woke me from a sound sleep to ask " Do you want to go to a shelter.?
WHY THE ----you wake me up?" i asked. Rolled over went back to sleep.
Woke up. The next day everything was already closed.
And South americans were out buying boooze by the case. Speaking about No work and laughing about gringos.
Cops wee not stoping them from setting in the rain under umberellas with open containes. But they were harrasszing homless people who were mearly trying to make enough to get a sandwich or somthing.
I went down to tenth took some pictures of the fords theater . Standing outside with my pack on a guy walked up.
Would you like somthing to eat? He asked.
Yeah as everything is closed .
Hetook me to the waffle house. I have lived in dc for twenty years off and on. And have never been there. Becuase of the price.
The guy bought me me waffles at the waffle house on 10th. And they were closing early. Also,
while thee i ran into a man from florida who had missed the storm in florida but now was stuck in DC.
From there i walked up to 14th and g st nw. Where i encountered a woman named Mary. Who was cripled up setting under an umberella in a small door way.
She had no where to go. I tried to call a homless van same people who were so adamant i go to a sheltewr refused to ick her up. Becuase of the storm. Go figure.
I went to try to catch a truck and get somthing to eat .
The trucks were not running.
I found aplace to get out of the rain. With a group of people went to sleep . Actualy missed the howling winds and heavy rains . Though i heard them from with in my sleeping bag. While i was assleep had my camera stolen. These people will steal anything. Not nailed down so they can get their drugs and booze.
Woke up. It was just raining and nothing was open still.
"I tell you the Sas were right these yankees are lazy. " i comented to a freind.
Why you say that? " he asked.
"Down south we board up. But the stores stay open till they cant. Then if they can as soon as the wind stops they re open." i told him "We dont close for two days"
finaly i was able to get a cup of deacent coffee. And the clouds seemed to part and the sun seemed to shine. I was warm inside and had a hot cuppa.
Would saome one please explain how a storm like a huricaine that equires heat to survive. Was able to survive so far north to make it to shore as a cain? Im dumbfounded ive studied as an amature hurricaines. For over twenty years and never before heard of a cold hurricaine.
Though the storm has disruppted our lives for a few hours we continue in what we were doing before except for a few
the storm has not changed our lives.
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