my fellow Americans.
i set herr wondering when the threat congress has made aginst our elected oficials will be implemened.
mayor bowser has been thrratend by members of congress with atesst for doing her job as mayor of our nations capitol.
wich is implement the laws of the plebicite. wich on thursday Feb 26 2015 she did. allowing legalized masrijuana into the district law books despitre being ordered by memebers of congress to not allow it to hapoen.
we,ll olks ity has. And i ask the people who beniit to stand with our mayor. should these idiots attempt to dissrupt our cities decission aking process. we pay our taxes yet we can not rrprrsent ourselves. we have to have some one dont even live here year around tell us what we the peole of Dc can and can not do.
it is time we take matters in to our own hands
yrll congress to take a hike.
i would love to see a gambling Resort over in Anacostia. Why not keep tourst gambling money in dc.
while were at it. how bout we also decrimanalise the worlds oldest profession?
with the revinues promoted by the taxation by the city of these buissnesses. we can aord to tell congress take a Hike.
i set herr wondering when the threat congress has made aginst our elected oficials will be implemened.
mayor bowser has been thrratend by members of congress with atesst for doing her job as mayor of our nations capitol.
wich is implement the laws of the plebicite. wich on thursday Feb 26 2015 she did. allowing legalized masrijuana into the district law books despitre being ordered by memebers of congress to not allow it to hapoen.
we,ll olks ity has. And i ask the people who beniit to stand with our mayor. should these idiots attempt to dissrupt our cities decission aking process. we pay our taxes yet we can not rrprrsent ourselves. we have to have some one dont even live here year around tell us what we the peole of Dc can and can not do.
it is time we take matters in to our own hands
yrll congress to take a hike.
i would love to see a gambling Resort over in Anacostia. Why not keep tourst gambling money in dc.
while were at it. how bout we also decrimanalise the worlds oldest profession?
with the revinues promoted by the taxation by the city of these buissnesses. we can aord to tell congress take a Hike.
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