Google Is Hosting "Nascar On The Moon"
looks like the Privet sector is beginning to pick up slack from the failed government efforts. of returning man to the moon.
probamaticly the federal regulations prohibit advertisment on launch veheciles. corprate lohos of the launch company Ok but a bumpersticker that says sponsored by (add corporate entity here) no go.
this has long been astumbling block in ffinancing oprivet space ventures. a way to keep the john doe public out of space.
folks we could have orbiting hotels right now. the founder of a major hotelchain in the 90s proved it could be done but the sponsoring company can not say they are asponsor. nor can they advertise Holliday orbit on a company hand out with out major sanctions by the federal ghov.
now comes time we begin to break these bonds. an force the federal gov to relent.
but just how?
i belive in the next few months we will begin to see changes in the way privet sector does things in space.
becuase United launch systems and space exploraation technologies are about to take over ownership and maintanace od the international space station.
it is at present being modified to accept the space ex dragon capsule as wellas the ULa manned andf supply capsule.
the future is ahead anf we are living it. man has began taking his first baby steps into the unknown. now ewe need to learn to walk.
a group called project mars one plans to put a one way colony on mars by 2027.
i propose that we begin placing a collony on the moon. we have the know how. and i belive we can do it cheaper than going to mars one way.
and have the safty feature of a imediate rescue available if all goes wrong.
unjust laws are made to be broken. its time we break laws and get going on mankinds next step. who noes the first visitor from space might be your grandchild.
the future is what we make it folks. dream design and implement.
our time is NOW!!!!
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