Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Two New Mexico cops to be charged in shooting of homeless man (+video) - CSMonitor.com

Two New Mexico cops to be charged in shooting of homeless man (+video) - CSMonitor.com

 My Fellow Americans.

  I personaly find it hard to belive.  that im quoting a Christian science momitor story about somthng good happening fr the homeless. i will say  that  there may be cases  of cops  having benn pesacuted for harming the homeless.

 they went to remove him from a camp.  he attacked.  okay i agree he is to blame.  becuase  he attacked a cop. wich he should not have.  the cops partner shot and killed him. hey that the consequenses.

  but why would a man  atack a cop. was he crazy? or was he scared?

  th www  i a long time homeless person.  and i have to say my experiance with cops is the Homeless ae aclosed case.  when they dont want to work.

 the homeless ae an aest to bring their aresst total up.

the homeless  have long been  abused by the public. and police. people dont care  usualy about the "dregs of society" nd they coul have easly instead of charging thes two cops.  let it a somany other simmler cases  have been across the nation be swept under the rug.

  hey come up on  a camp. and expect to get chased. But i that an excuse to takea human life?

  if a man is asleep let him be. at least ou know hes not out doing wrong.

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