Thursday, June 11, 2015

how i almost got away with it.

My fellow americans
I am forced to respond to a reuters statement about how hard it is o get by in todays society with out being identified. While they wee reporting on a couple of inmates escape from Clinton Correctional Instatution in upper NY state.
N the escape any thing I say is pure conjecture. I have no personal knowlage nor any other information than is provided by law enforcement and media outlets.
I howsoever have personal info on how to sty under the radar and live with out ID or being identified. I have done it. For several years in the past.
MY personal story.
ok this was 15years ago. Prior to 9/11. and things have changed. A lot. Since then I agree. In the arly 90s. I was placed in a halfway house at 2020 North capiol. In washingn dc being the only whie resident. I was constantly thratend and made to pay shall I say a breathing tax.
They accused whity of anything. Mean if it rained white boy was accused. I had a radio. And it turned up missing. I found it in a nothers room his buddies swor that I had stolen he recipts. With the sial number on it. And the staff did nothing but threate to send me to lorton. Penetantry.
With this in mind. I decided to leave during job search. A time wheni was allowed to be away till six pm. From the halfway house. My shit was packed.
Iheaded north on I 95towards ny city. Knowing that in the next few hours I would be Hot.
Any cop stoped me. Would run me. I had to get some where . I thmbed a ride and wound up in NYC. Back in the 1980s id lived innnyc on the streets with feinds soihad anidea what I was doing. I got there and went to whre I slept when I was there in the past.
And almost wound up dead. I was attacked by a peson who was crazy. And cut me up.
Man was I n bad shape. Not going into detail suffice it to say I was in belvue hospital for a week.aftr surgey in wih they re attached my left indx finger as well as cuts all over.
They never found the guy, who did it.
I first told the cops my name was john nmi williams. As I was in the ambulance.
They took m to the hospital
I was to everyone now john nmi williams
with a false record with the police. Hell they coulda had me when I was there I was lucky.
I wound up released. And paranoid of everyone for the next week or so. After dark.
Veryone was out to get me. I went about a daily routine of pan handeling for money and eating. Rarly was I out of the public eye. I lived like a bum. Which I was and always have been.
Summer turned to fall fall to winter and winter to spring.
Now folks NYC is the place to be. I was doing everything weird. A person can do . I even made love in the middle of park avenue. Bare naked And it blended in.
had sex with a woman in a park, with traffic five yards away and people walking by. Some even stood and watched. No one pulled a phone out.
I was even arrested for investigation as wrong place wrong time. Some one had given me a bunch of cans id taken them across queens borough bridge to sell.
cops had seen me doing something unusual. I had a mail cart i was pushing them in. and a body had turned up the next day under he bridge. Sheesh. I thought the gig was up. Thanks to
Automated Fingerprint Identification Service. Of course my prints would be in there. Right?
O don't know how . Guardian Angel. Or what but I was release free to go.
Life went on.
A few months later I was aressted more for I closly resembled a person they wee looking for. Fotunatly I was on the other side of town playing chess.Wich witnesses could confirm. In a building atrium. Thankyou I was once agin released. Dodging this bullet I took off aross he country. Headed to california. Hitch -hiking.
Cutting the odds of being stopped I stayed in front of the sign wich reads no pedestrians on the interstate. And thumbed rides across the usa.
Getting to SanFrancisco. Now bear in mind im eling gods truth. Crazy as it sounds here. I had oten a hicut a week before when I left NYC.
My sttory was id just goten out of prison. Sorry I was in Rahway, NJ . When some one asked me wich one. Hell I ddint know he istatutions in the west. But it was a namei knew in the east. And most people whod done time wouldhave done it on the west coast.
People in that area were real nice gave me some camping suplies. And helpd me get sutuated.
I was doing good.
I even ws seting on masonic and haight having coffe. With a groupof guys. And a woman came upmstrted hanging around.
I made the quip that for the last few years the only boob isaw was in a magazine.
Whys that? she asked.
Ive been in pison. I told her.
Wow she said. Then asked if I could buy her a coffee. Imnot one to refuse a woman if I can do something for them. I handed her two dollors. She went into the store and got coffee . SF cops moved us along. The girl came out of he store and followed me to a park wheei went and sat on the bench we talked fo a while drinking our coffees.
Finaly she said I have o go'
i”sorry to hear that. Because you are fun to talk to.” I told her as she stood up.
But before I go she said. Then took off her shirt. Revealing anice rack. She smiled “welcome home”
mabey ill see you tomorrow. She said. Putting her shirt down.
E did meet severl times more. Over thenext cople months I was working for cash. So ihd alittle money several times we went to a hotel I took a shower and we had sex. No love just the physical.
Time went on I met Beth, a wonderful woman whose life was cut short by a drunkendriver. While she was driving along the pacific coast highway. Some of the best memories of my life involve her. Iwas agin on the streets of San Francisco when because I was sleeping in adoor way and the cops were trying to ID the homeless . Witch means running them in for the crime of being with out a domicile. Thy ran my fingerprints. And told me my name. Wel right there the gig was up two and a hlf years and a hell of a adventure later I was captured sent back to dc a month later where I did the rest of the time for the Unlawful use of a vehicle then hit with escape charges. For leaving the halfway house.
What id fled to avoid had become worse. I was in Lorton Penitentiary with 18 months to go.
So the moral of the storyi shared here was the fact these guys can un and hide in plain sight. People wont even notice them. But they will mess up eventually and get caught for some reason. Usually the dumbest. Hatnthey cant do a damned thing about. I knew about the fingerprinting. But didn't leave. So i blame me. Also if id have toughed it out I would have been done by the time they caught me.
Hope you enjoyed the post and think about this.
Statistically minor crimes are solved quickly major crimes have a one in three solve rate.
Oh and if you dont want to be traced get rid of that phone your staring at . Every ten seconds it sends out a signal saying” I'm rght here even when its off. “

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