Friday, February 20, 2015

Texas Supreme Court stops same-sex marriage after one ceremony |

Texas Supreme Court stops same-sex marriage after one ceremony |

Upon lloking at the previouse post and trying to get an in deph idea of what as going on i found the govonor  declared gay marriiage void an the  texas supreme court agreed.

 we true americans need to do somthing to convince these mexican catholics that they are not the only people  who have opinions in the world.

  Some of my best greinds are gay and a cojple  ae i kiid you not  and let me make sure i can get this right  A transgender lesbian  couple.

 got that right i belive. both started as men One was a army ranger. in the nam  the other a heck of a systems person  both had the operation . ond both got married. to each other.

 I detract from the news becuase this is an emotional issue for me. so my humble appology.


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