Swedish journalist shot to death in Afghan capital - Houston Chronicle
whatever happened to the nutrality of the Press?
Nutrality is supposed to be a two way street. its like hey im here to tell both sides of the story not just yours and not just his. dont shoot me for doing my job!
Long through out history the press has been targeted by terrroists for the work they do.
recll in the 80s in lebonon terry Anderson AP reporter? Now where ever we go we are prosacuted by one side or the other for being open with lour reporting.
a good freind and fellow journolist Jerry Nelson. based in argentina has had his equiptment stolen for reporting the protests by the argintinian people aginst the government.
in mexico i was myselfe arressted and beat by the cops for photogr.aphing five of them strip serching afemale tourist outside a bar in Ciduad victoria. cost me my camera and 100 usd to get out of jail. and lost my brand new id also.
Oh anyone going to mexico remember keep copies of your documents in the states. ecuase the mexicans want your passport and birthcertifacates. becuase these documents can be used to enter the US illigaly
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