Monday, December 29, 2014

happy new Years

My fellow Americans:
  i sincerly pray that my letters find you in good cheer, as we begin this New Year. 2015
  I Reflect on all the history we have seen . Places we have been . Events wich have occurred.
   Setting here I recall in my almost three quarter century of life.  The many  successes and failures i have witnessed. Of people, of nations. rising and fallen.
 I look at a young person at play. Passing by with a parent pushing a stroller. I pause thinking .Asking. 'What changes will this one see?'
  I set here thinking of the past. where just writing to thousands directly as iam. today
   Once lived only in the scope of fantasy. be  searously ponderd only by people such as my  long past,esteemed coluges of the epic sci fi realm.
 Bradbury, Heinline, Clark, and onward.
  If I told some one when I was born, I would be setting in my home in America  writing  to people on the other side of the world. from my own home. Then have my letters read only afew short minutes later. in Moscow and Bejing, Europe and Argentina.  I would have been locked up.
  Yet i still fondly recall. as a young boy. the day my father  took me to our favorite fishing hole in Montana becuase there were few city  lights. We waited and watched the sky. till a point of light moved rapidly cross the starscape of the clear night sky. i watched setting there on the banks of the Misuorri river.  Sputnick the first man made object in orbit. pass over head.
school for me. Forever  changed. I wanted to  learn all I could about space. about our future.  Soon Americans.  had our own satalites up.Looking down on us.
 then we were sending men to orbit and further. our first baby steps . towards mankinds future.
 december 1968 aproching with in 100feet of the lunar surface.
  then in june 1969. i wathed setting in my living room . Neil armstrong and buz aldren. walking on the moon.
  then in 1976 i saw a probe landing on mars. the first images coming across. i was entraled. never thinking only a few years later would man be residing in space  for months at a time. circling the globe every ninty minutes.
 watched as richard Nixon became the first president to resign in discrace. as the breakin at the watergate  became history. and gasp a black man beacame president. of the United states of america.
 i recalled those days when this man woul have been born. His mother could have been hung. becuase of the laws of the land at the time. becuase she was white sleeping with ablack. Oh how this land has changed. irecall watching as king marched in dothan alabama. as freedom riders dared to cross the land.  as kids in universaties  said no to war in a foregin land. called veitnam.
the riots whren King was shot  on that balcony in memphis tennasee. tody we cut across the spectrum of the races and classes as ayoung man is gunned down by acop in Ferguson missouri. to join togetherand say "NO MORE" and watching as those protests happend half a world away live.
  setting in my comftorable living room here on earth. I would watch the dawning of a new age.
An age where we dare dream of a future wher we will live among the stars.  a future where we will colonise another planet.  first sending electronic emmasarries. to discover.
  never in my formative years could we dream  of finding signs life once existed on another planet. as Curiousaty has with Mars. Organic  compounds. wow. If even five years ago someone had sad this n they would be considered part of the lunatic fringe  beliving in aleins. and afterlife. but reality is stranger than fiction In my ligfe time we have made first contact with life off this planet.
 we would have been locked up  as crazy. Like galaleo , only pardond a few years ago by the vatacan as he was right. Seeing those lights around jupiter.
  colonization of another world  was once too expensive for even governments to contemplate realistacly. now we have several ongoing concerns launching rockets. paid for out of their own pockets.  and probes to orbit and beyond. these people are privet contractors.  leaders of inovation. leaders in exploration.
  Now we see people moving faster than before around the world. taking for granted air travel. once to costly. in the relm only of h rich and the milatary.
  i recall flying the fist time. to germany. where dad was stationed. in the sixties. and early seventies.
  to live there among the people of this land. once mortal enemies now freinds and allies of my land. Leaving behind as any young person is wont to do my virginaty in the green grass, along the banks of the rhine river. to a freind. today living only in memories of decades past. this paving way to my future of going to collage  youger than planned. and gradute school  in one of the most prestigous universaties in america,  to learn and help pave way for the future. to oneday design the tools we would need to move mankind forward.
. to learn first hand the culture  and language. then return home. To this great land.  This promised land of pilgrams pride. wich we americans struggle daily to change to fit the modern day. To shape in our own way. a new world . to lead in the future. though it will as rome did.  soon end.
  how this world has changed. since i was born.
  alass today  i think now of the future. mearly a gleem in the eye of people pondering fantasy.
  the future that our sons and daughters and grand children will see.
 as what we see becomes only a dim memory and foot notes in history. pondered on by us old people . an sci fi writers ahead of their times.
  happy new year

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Bah humbug

My felow Americans.
  I speak to you today.on behalf of the hundreds of thousnds  of americans who will be lining up for a free Christmas dinner. becuase they can not aford to feed themselves.  " Oh here he goes rambling about homless ness agin"
  No folks i speak to yountoday about people from all walks of life. Youngand old . white black or whtever. i speak about  mothers. fthers, and  children. who will miss out on this festivities.
  I speak about people from all walks of life.  people who the great american saftey net has rejected.  children here in the USA go to bed hungry. they go to school wering old clothes. thy live substence level not becuase of parents neglect. OH hjow i beg my higher power that it was that simple.
   I speak also of the cause . The cause being  the corporations desire for the bottom line.
   They will do anything to bring their costs down and charge you more. including allowing illigals to come across the boarder. and work illigaly at jobs americans should have. I do not blame these people who leave everything behind and take a dangorous trip across the souther boarder through desserts. many dying for a chance to live a better life.
  I blame the corporations . i blame the rich. i blame those  thatb allow it to happen.
I blame those who treat criminals  like good americans. Giving amnesty to these illigals is like giving fertalizer to ivy growing aginst a brick wall. 
  yes we are amelting pot . Where no one can say tears hat they are 100 percent American. but neither do we need people taking jobs americans need.
 Instead of coming across the boarder and taking our jobs why not put them on a chaingang, make them spend five or so years  rerpairing our Highways. or somthing all they get is room and board. yeah a bunk and soup.  if thery  cash  rthen its imediatly confiscated.  there wont be so many of them here.  and then we wont hav so many Homeless Vetrans on the streeets begging for food from poor Americans. While fat mexicans walk by laughing at us.
  well just somthing to think about . Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Message to nonymous

Message to Anonymous
 Dear brother and sisters i ask you to help us Win back our rights to  have our own entertainment.
greed Sony sux. But the attavks threatened to take lives  of men women and children ,in American Theaters this holiday sason . should be considered in the planning phase are we going to allow another nation to say what we can or can not see or do?.
 If we are going to allow censorship by the Nort koreans. We might as well give up the first amendment of the constitution. (for what its worth) and let the federal government of the corporate states of america continue to lead our lives and give up the struggle for net freedom.
 Theaters and sony giving in to these people should also be thought of.
  and hey Sony since your screwing your selfe out of profits becuase of cowerdace  here is an idea (anthama to you corps i know.)  why not post your new movie on the web? Just give it away that way you can say we are not wusses and thank you for the billions you have spent to the people of the world? 
  I close  with thnks for your consideration.

Life on Mars? REAL NASA SAYS

 dec 18 2015
  mind blowing.Hard to belive. Even when Mainstream Media reports it. My first thought is Hoax agin  had to make sure i was not reading the Onoin.
  Dont Expect a diplomatic meeting  with the king of mars, or red women wearing nothing but jewls any time soon.
  Today NASA reported that the Curosoty rover has recorded pockt  of methnane. in the atmosphere.  Nothing new there other probes reported the same thing. In the past ten years.
  Untill reacently scientests belived  Our probes had despite  clean room assembely had some how  contaminated the Martian atmosphere.
 Methene is a fossil fule. used on earth  commonly to power your gas stove. Wich comes from decaying matter.

  What is unusual is  NASA  Reports Curiousity has Located "Biologicals"
  At this time  it is unknown what the composition of the Biological is becuase there is some "Skewing" of the chemical lab on the rover.

  it is also unknown if this "Biological was created while Mars  had water. or if it is procreating.
  Astronomer caral sagan said. "it is stupid for us, to belive we are alone. We dont know how it might develope on another planet or around another star. life may be silicone based ."
A source close to the investigation  indicated these "Biologicls are veary small. so small that to be visable  to the human eye  you would need a very powerful  microscope." 
  Any way it goes folks  this shattering discovery is going to change mankinds thinking in future genarations Now that we know Earth  Beyond a shadow of a doubt. is not  the only planet with life.

  I will not be one to say we should not travel to other planets, becuase we know there is life there . i would encurage humankind to step up our exploration of our universe. find out more about others.
  But ourscintific rover alone on mars  has made first contact with an alien life form.

  With our bad habit of exploring and giving desise to those who are not imune to  them
Like Small pox. and reacantly Ebola  being brought to america by Africans. And wipe them out.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Just a suggestion folks.

Pardon me D.C.
I know you folks really don't want to think about elections right now.Especialy, after the Initive 71 debicale here.
As you know by now, congress has in their wisdom( read assininaty)prohibited our newly elected Mayor, Madam im ready to represent your adminastration and argue with you as i need to." from spending any funds to implement an artical (marijuana legalizaion to be exact) wich the people overwhelmingly voted for. On the november ballot.
This brings to Brings to mind that dc does not have any real industry. We dont make anything . Think about it like this. Washington D.C. Gets so many tourists evry month, who like to spend their money.
And not enough of it is spent here in washington. People we washingtonians need we need to figure ways togets ways to get their money directly into our cities coffiures. .
I would like to make a sugesstion. For what its worth. People come to dc with thousands of dollors. To spend they buy a few trinkets . Mabey stay in a hotel. But they also like to gamble. The chance yo make more money to spend can be profitable to our city. Instead of as is right now .
When theese people want to gamble they go to Maryland to gamble giving that state billions of dollors per year. That the residents that the residents of maryland were not taxed for.
People want to go out and have fun. Yes there is the Kennedy Center and the Museums. But this toewn closes at about ten pm. Id say let the people gamble if they want. Open a Casino. Have live shows. No one under 21 allowed on the premises.
some are going to argue standing up to congress is aginst dc charter. This city needs to get a spine. Any laws that make it so a few people. (Read as cowards) can stop what an overwhelming majority say should be done .
These laws are un fair and unjust and need to be broken." it will take a mayor and council with courge to stand up and say Our voters said to do this . And we are despite the stupidaty of congress."
And while were at it lets look at other taxable revenue sources our fearless leaders wont consider in their conservative judeo christian moralaty
Isnt it about time dc gets a chunk of that money? Tax free.
Think about it. A billion dollors ayear is alot of green waiting to be plucked.
With that money in DC s tresury we washingtonions can, pay for: Affordable housing for the poor elderly..
Create more jobs. In the city. Better elder care. Better streeets maintanance. Better transportation services. Mabey free medical care for dc residents.
Folks The ideas are endless what we can spend those monies on. Though i would like to spend those monies on our future where we washingtonians can say to those old farts on the hill to " shove your games that you like to play with our city Where the sun dont shine"
Well its just my opinion .
Hoping for sunny skies ahead.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Cold calculations | The Washington Post

Cold calculations | The Washington Post

 this story pissed me off . let your congress person know how you feel!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2014

​Russia will begin Moon colonization in 2030 - draft space program — RT News

​Russia will begin Moon colonization in 2030 - draft space program — RT News

  If after reading this artical above you belive as I do the space race is on agin!

We must win Colonise the Moon ahead of the Russians so that we  the USA and the world  can share the reasources that are there instead of having to pay rent to the russians for visiting their Moon" as we know they are liable to do.

  the main stumbling block experts say  is water it is not there we can get air from the soil but not  water. Current launch prices pt a gallon of water at 400k doolors just to orbit are youready to take the challange?


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Swedish journalist shot to death in Afghan capital - Houston Chronicle

Swedish journalist shot to death in Afghan capital - Houston Chronicle

 whatever happened to the nutrality of the Press?

 Nutrality is supposed to be a two way street. its like hey im here to tell both sides of the story not just yours and not just his. dont shoot me for doing my job!

  Long through out history the press has been targeted by terrroists for the work they do.

 recll in the 80s in lebonon terry Anderson AP reporter? Now where ever we go  we are prosacuted by one side or the other for being open with lour reporting.

  a good freind and fellow journolist Jerry Nelson. based in argentina has had his equiptment stolen  for reporting the protests by the argintinian people  aginst the government.

  in mexico i was myselfe arressted and beat by the cops for photogr.aphing five of them strip serching afemale tourist outside a bar in Ciduad victoria.  cost me my camera and 100 usd to get out of jail. and lost my brand new id also.

  Oh anyone going to mexico remember keep copies of your documents in the states. ecuase the mexicans want your passport and birthcertifacates. becuase these documents can be used to enter the US illigaly

Pablo Has My Mac | JourneyAmerica

Pablo Has My Mac | JourneyAmerica By Jerry nelson

Murder of Photojournalist Results in National Holiday in Argentina

Murder of Photojournalist Results in National Holiday in Argentina

This link is courtousy of Journey America.  Thanks jerry! Sorry to see a fellow photog go like that hazard of the job.

  my heart goes out to his family.

Murder of Photojournalist Results in National Holiday in Argentina

Murder of Photojournalist Results in National Holiday in Argentina

This link is courtousy of Journey America.  Thanks jerry! Sorry to see a fellow photog go like that hazard of the job.

  my heart goes out to his family.

▶ Interview w/ Newark NJ Mayoral Candidate Ras Baraka on the Occupy Movement - YouTube

▶ Interview w/ Newark NJ Mayoral Candidate Ras Baraka on the Occupy Movement - YouTube