The washing ton word warrior is awed by the results of the national selection process. And his uncanny abiality to call elections a week out. Only one did I miss 2000.
wich tells me to this day there was something wrong there no matter what the gov. and Main stream media says.
Ill admit early on I was slightly worried.about the resualts last night but I set back and realized its not over till california votes.
I was assleep when at 1130 aprox eastern the cheers began.
And god help us I could not go back to sleep I turned on my computer accessed the wifi from the buissness this homless blogger sleeps in front of. And saw Obama with 275 and romeny with 205.
it woke my neghbours.
I dont know whether it was the cherring or my cursing that my candidate Nobody lost that did it.
Well folks Bend over here it comes agin.
Another four years of Obama.
A muslem running this Christian nation.
Already hearing from the Military . Obama is talking bout sending 2000 more marines to Kenya.
The only thing I can say that has any reall bearing on last night is America lost.
Heck cnn was even using Hispanic networks to keep track on what the hispanics were voting on.
So many new americans it was estamated 10 percent of the vote was hispanics.
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